• Google Glass,  Learning,  Meetups,  VectorSpect

    Google Glass in Healthcare Video

    Last month we hosted a Meetup at Google Cambridge where over 200 Physicians, Hospital Administrators,  Students and Developers gathered in Boston to present and explore opportunities for Glass in Medicine.   Watch the presentations and demos here. MedTech Boston Google Glass Challenge – Keynotes and Demos from MedTech Boston on Vimeo.

  • Google Glass,  Health Care,  Learning,  Medicine,  Meetups,  VectorSpect

    The Future of Medicine through Google Glass

    Google Cambridge, MA on April 23, 2014 witnessed an overflow crowd as brilliant minds focused on applications for Google Glass in the medical fields.  Over 200 turned out from Physicians, Developers, Hospital Administrators and members of the press.  Some even flew in from California for the opportunity to meet with the top minds working on advancing patient care and safety via the wearable heads-up, hands-free tool that is Google Glass. A highlight of the evening was the finalist presentations in the Google Glass Challenge for Medicine and one young woman stood out as a knowledge leader to be listened to. Florence Doo is a first year medical student at Oakland…

  • Google Glass,  Medicine,  Meetups,  VectorSpect

    Google Glass in Medicine

    Our Wednesday event in Cambridge, MA has surpassed registration hopes and is now in waiting list mode.  200 Physicians,  Hosp Admins, Developers and Googlers. I plan to live Tweet and G+ #throughglass and we may be Live OnAir but that is undecided at this time.  Hastag is #GGMED14 or you can follow me @GraniteView on Twitter. The registration page https://www.eventbrite.com/e/google-glass-challenge-finalist-presentations-expert-panel-tickets-11157350937 

  • Google Glass,  Health Care,  Medicine,  Meetups

    Google Glass Health Care Challenge

    Last evening I pleasure of sitting on a panel at an event hosted by Health Innovators discussing the future of medicine and specifically Google Glass. The event title was Google Glass the new frontier in Healthcare Innovation? and although I’m not sure how many converts were made, I did come away with knowledge of an incredible organization pushing medical thought leaders to push the boundaries of wearable tech. One of my co-panelists, Sony Salzman of MedTech Boston told us about the ongoing Google Glass Challenge and some of the ideas submitted, the strict judging criteria and generally gave us insight into the brains focusing on Glass development in medicine. There…

  • Meetups

    Meetup taken down – Really?

    I mean seriously. Some hacker dude instituted a DDOS attack against Meetup.com beginning Thursday the 27th of February and seeming to end on the 4th of March. Meetup.com!!! Where hikers plan their weekend outings, wine lovers plan tastings and yes, many techies plan and find networking and learning events to attend. All over a $300 extortion attempt. From the Meetup blog: Here’s what happened. On Thursday morning, I received this email: Date: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 10:26 AM Subject: DDoS attack, warning A competitor asked me to perform a DDoS attack on your website. I can stop the attack for $300 USD. Let me know if you are interested…

  • Boston,  Google Glass,  Meetups

    Glass New England Feb 2014 Meetup

    Come join us as we explore applications, use case scenarios and industries where it looks like Glass will have an impact.  Fitness, first responders, health care to name a few. And of course there will be plenty of opportunity to try out Glass for yourself and network with others who are excited to be on the bleeding edge of the wearable computing revolution.   Dr. Rafael Grossmann will be our featured speaker.  Dr. Grossmann performed the first surgery wearing Glass on June 20, 2013.  He is an outspoken advocate for Glass in healthcare, a TedX presenter and a true visionary among Glass Explorers. Dr. Grossmann’s blog Dr. Ned Sahin, Harvard Neuroscientist, Neurotechnologist, and Entrepreneur…

  • Google Glass,  Meetups,  New Hampshire

    Google Glass NH Meetup

    We had an awesome turnout at Dyn Thursday evening.   4 Glass Explorers and about 30 dreamers from kids to developers amd teachers. I opened by asking if I could take their picture and my screencasted view on the big screen took the photo.  I’ll add that later to a gallery.  Josh Cyr gave a presentation all about Glass, then we passed the Glass so everyone had a chance to try them on. We had 3 or 4 kids join their parents and the look on the faces was incredible and of course their were many, many selfies taken. [nggallery id=4]

  • Google Glass,  Meetups

    Google Glass NH July Meetup

    July 11, 5 PM at Dyn 150 Dow St. Manchester, NH http://www.meetup.com/Google-Glass-New-Hampshire/events/126976032/ This meetup will feature a presentation by Joshua Cyr that covers all your Glass questions and tickles your mind with possibilities.  We’ll then pass the Glass so to speak and try to give everyone some time to be thoroughly amazed. Dyn has graciously volunteered meeting space and geek sustenance. Please RSVP via the link or icon below, so we can plan accordingly. [mappress mapid=”1″]